Title Data analysis of the benefits of an electronic registry of information in a neonatal intensive care unit in Greece.
Author(s) Skouroliakou M, Soloupis G, Gounaris A, Charitou A, Papasarantopoulos P, Markantonis SL, Golna C, Souliotis K.
Source Perspect Health Inf Manag., Vol. 5, Pages 10-10
Publication Date Jul-08
Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study assesses the results of implementation of a software program that allows for input of admission/discharge summary data (including cost) in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Greece, based on the establishment of a baseline statistical database for infants treated in a NICU and the statistical analysis of epidemiological and resource utilization data thus collected. METHODS: A software tool was designed, developed, and implemented between April 2004 and March 2005 in the NICU of the LITO private maternity hospital in Athens, Greece, to allow for the first time for step-by-step collection and management of summary treatment data. Data collected over this period were subsequently analyzed using defined indicators as a basis to extract results related to treatment options, treatment duration, and relative resource utilization. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Data for 499 babies were entered in the tool and processed. Information on medical costs (e.g., mean total cost +/- SD of treatment was euro310.44 +/- 249.17 and euro6704.27 +/- 4079.53 for babies weighing more than 2500 g and 1000-1500 g respectively), incidence of complications or disease (e.g., 4.3 percent and 14.3 percent of study babies weighing 1,000 to 1,500 g suffered from cerebral bleeding [grade I] and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, respectively, while overall 6.0 percent had microbial infections), and medical statistics (e.g., perinatal mortality was 6.8 percent) was obtained in a quick and robust manner. CONCLUSIONS: The software tool allowed for collection and analysis of data traditionally maintained in paper medical records in the NICU with greater ease and accuracy. Data codification and analysis led to significant findings at the epidemiological, medical resource utilization, and respective hospital cost levels that allowed comparisons with literature findings for the first time in Greece. The tool thus contributed to a clearer understanding of treatment practices in the NICU and set the baseline for the assessment of the impact of future interventions at the policy or hospital level.

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