Title Evaluation of compliance with a computerized protocol: weaning from mechanical ventilator support using pressure support
Author(s) Randolph AG. Clemmer TP. East TD. Kinder AT. Orme JF. Wallace CJ. Morris AH
Source Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 57, No. 3, Pages 201-215
Publication Date Nov. 1998
Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: To use a computerized consultation system to evaluate the feasibility of a mechanical ventilator weaning protocol which used the rapid shallow breathing index to guide adjustments in pressure support. A program to monitor user compliance and reasons for noncompliance was built into the computerized consultation system. METHODS: A total of nine critically ill patients (ten weaning episodes) were enrolled in the protocol. The respiratory therapists performed routine computer charting in the electronic database. They accepted or declined the explicit instructions generated by the computerized protocol and displayed on the bedside terminal. The consultation program monitored whether accepted instructions were implemented by the user. RESULTS: Patient's therapy was controlled by protocol for a total of 1075 h (mean 108 h, range 4 to 339 h) and 94.8% (1321/1394) of instructions were followed by the clinical staff. Of the 42 instructions clinical staff refused to follow, 23 (55%) were extubation instructions. There were 52 (3.7%) incorrect instructions generated with 24 software errors, 21 errors in underlying logic, and seven user misunderstanding errors. CONCLUSIONS: A high level of user compliance with this protocol was achieved. The methods described herein to monitor compliance and reasons for noncompliance within a protocol are reusable in the domain of mechanical ventilation and possibly in other domains.

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