Title The Virtual Hospital: An IAIMS Integrating Continuing Education into the Work Flow
Author(s) Michael P. D'Allesandro, MD; Jeffrey R. Galvin, MD; William E. Erkonen, MD; David S. Curry, MSLS; James R. Flanagan, MD; Donna M. D'Alessandro, MD; David L. Lacey, MD; James R. Wagner, MS
Source MD Computing, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pages 323-329
Publication Date July/August, 1996
Abstract Researchers at the University of Iowa are developing an integrated academic information management system (IAIMS) for use on the World Wide Web. The focus is on integrating continuing medical education (CME) into the clinicians' daily work and incorporating consumer health information into patients' life styles. Phase I of the project consists of loosely integrating patients' data, printed library information, and digital library information. Phase II consists of more tightly integrating the three types of information, and Phase III consists of awarding CME credits for reviewing educational materials at the point of patient care, when it has the most potential for improving outcomes. This IAIMS serves a statewide population. Its design and evolution have been heavily influenced by user-centered evaluation.

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