Title Newborn Touch: A CAI Program in Neonatal Pathology
Author(s) Albert Balaguer, MD; Josep Argemi, MD; Joan Sancho, MD; Alex Patak, MD; Ferran Sanz, PhD
Source MD Computing, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pages 351-358
Publication Date July/August, 1996
Abstract A program that we developed for students and fellows, "Newborn Touch," is an "authoring" system for storage and presentation of simulated cases of neonatal abnormalities. Now in the prototype stage, Newborn Touch acts as a self-teaching tool that simulates conditions in the neonatal intensive care unit, allowing study and practice in the management, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal abnormalities. The program was coded in Hypercard 2.1 and runs on a Macintosh IIsi personal computer. The program and data files require 4 MB of RAM and 23 MB of hard disk space.

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