Title Use of a microcomputer in a pediatric hospital
Author(s) Garry M. Enderlin; Marc R. Summerfield; and Marlon T. Burney
Source American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 44, Pages 565-568
Publication Date March, 1987
Abstract The implementation and uses of a microcomputer in a 186-bed pediatric hospital are described. A Kaypro-10 portable microcomputer and an Epson FX-80 printer were purchased in anticipation of increased workload generated by addition of beds to the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit. Programs in C-BASIC language were developed for performing mathematical calculations, labeling of unit dose injections and oral liquids, and generating automatic-stop-order renewal notices. A master menu was designed to allow access to all programs. Work sheets to aid in the calculation of solution volumes required to deliver desired dosages of emergency drugs and for preparation of parenteral nutrition solutions are generated by the microcomputer, along with labels for these solutions. Other computer programs allow charging of floor stock items for i.v. admixtures, tracking of emergency-drug boxes, and generation of controlled-substances and anaphylaxis-dosing labels. A total of 510 hours was required to develop the microcomputer programs at a salary cost of $2600. [!!!!] Hospital pharmacies experiencing an expansion of patient services may be able to reduce the impact of the increased workload on manpower requirements by computerizing existing systems. Pharmacies with specialized needs can consider microcomputer implementation and inhouse software development as one alternative.

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