Title A Computerized Automatic Exposure Device for Chest Radiography in Infants
Author(s) Tetsurow Umezawa, MD; Yasushi Suganuma, MD; Kikuo Kowada; Yasushi Matsuki, MD; Takatoshi Kitamura, MD
Source Clinical Pediatrics, Vol. 31, No. 12, Pages 751-752
Publication Date December, 1992
Abstract Accurate chest radiographs obtained during inspiration or expiration are important during clinical diagnosis. However, it is difficult to take such radiographs in infants because of their inability to cooperate. Our automatic exposure device was designed to obtain better chest radiographs in infants. The device is composed of 3 parts: a mask with a pressure sensor, an NEC PC-9801 personal computer, and an exposure device. The software, which analyzes intramask pressure signals and triggers the exposure at the appropriate time, was written in N88-BASIC(86).

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