Title Assessment of an on-line computerized perinatal data collection and information system
Author(s) M Maresh, A. M. Dawson, and R. W. Beard
Source British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vol. 93, Pages 1239-1245
Publication Date Dec-86
Abstract An on-line maternity data collection system has been designed to provide the information required for perinatal audit and to allow many of the letters and forms required for effective communication in pregnancy to be produced automatically. The system meets the requirements of the Korner Committee on Health Services Information and has been approved by the Computer Policy Committee. Pregnancy is followed prospectively from the first antenatal clinic visit until the file is closed 28 days after delivery. Data are entered by midwives and secretaries onto a network of microcomputers placed at convenient points in the maternity unit. The system has been fully operational with no significant problems since the beginning of 1984 and has led to improved communication between the hospital and the community. Analyses of 253 consecutive case notes showed a high level of accuracy of the data recorded on the computer. Reports and clinical audit are readily available both from the system locally, from standard programmes on the regional mainframe computer and via a mainframe computer at London University. [Note: although this is primarily an obstetric paper, the system was also used to track neonatal outcomes and generate reports, which is why it is included in the list of references for computers in neonatology].

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