Title The Pediatrix BabySteps® Data Warehouse--a unique national resource for improving outcomes for neonates.
Author(s) Spitzer AR, Ellsbury D, Clark RH.
Source Indian J Pediatr., Vol. 82, No. 1, Pages 71-79
ePub Epub 2014 Oct 17.
DOI doi: 10.1007/s12098-014-1585-2.
Publication Date 1/1/2015
Abstract The Pediatrix Medical Group Clinical Data Warehouse represents a unique electronic data capture system for the assessment of outcomes, the management of quality improvement (CQI) initiatives, and the resolution of important research questions in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This system is described in detail and the manner in which the Data Warehouse has been used to measure and improve patient outcomes through CQI projects and research is outlined. The Pediatrix Data Warehouse now contains more than 1 million patients, serving as an exceptional tool for evaluating NICU care. Examples are provided of how significant outcome improvement has been achieved and several papers are cited that have used the "Big Data" contained in the Data Warehouse for novel observations that could not be made otherwise.

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