Title Weaning Infants with Respiratory Syncytial Virus from Mechanical Ventilation through a Fuzzy-Logic Controller
Author(s) S. Olliver MD, G.M. Davis MB ChB, G.E. Hatzakis PhD
Source AMIA 2003 Symposium Proceedings, Pages 499-503
Publication Date Nov. 2003
Abstract We have previously developed a fuzzy logic controller for weaning adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using pressure support ventilation (PSV). We used the core of our fuzzy logic-based weaning platform and further developed parametrizable components for weaning newborns of differing body size and disease-state. The controller was validated on neonates recovering from congenital heart disease (CHD) while receiving synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV). We wished to compare the efficacy of this controller versus the bedside weaning protocol in children with respiratory syncytial virus pneumonitis/bronchiolitis (RSV) in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The fuzzy controller evaluated the “current” and “trend” weaning status of the newborn, to quantitatively determine the change in the SIMV integrated ventilatory setting. For the “current” status, it used heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume (VT) and oxygen saturation (SaO2), while for the “trend” status, the differences of RR/ t, HR/ t, and SaO2/ t, recorded between two subsequent time points, were utilized. The enumerated vital signs were fuzzified and then probability levels of occurrence were assigned. Individualized “golden” goals for SaO2 were set for each newborn. We retrospectively assessed the charts of 19 newborns, 113±128 days old, 5,546±2,321 gr body weight, weaning for 99±46 days, at 2-hour intervals. The SIMV levels proposed by the fuzzy controller were matched to those levels actually applied. In 60% of the time both values coincided. For the remaining 40%, the controller was more aggressive suggesting lower values of SIMV than the applied ones. The Area under the SIMV curves over time was 1,969±1,044 for the applied vs 1,886±978 for the suggested levels, respectively. The fuzzy controller, adjusted for body size and diseasepattern, can approximate the actual weaning course of newborns with RSV.

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